I have experience operating several kinds of telescopes: from
tiny 60mm refractors to human-sized 12-inch reflectors, all
thanks to the local astronomy club. I have been using an 8-inch
dobsonian telescope myself since 2023.
In the world of programming, I have experience in several
languages (my primary one being Python). I am currently learning
Rust. Loving it so far. I have five years of experience in
maintaining many open source projects ranging from web apps and
AI/ML stuff to games and even my own music player.
As of the time I am writing this, I am learning to read sheet
music for piano. It is a daunting task to do as a self-learned
pianist, but it seems to be worth the effort.
I grew up in a fascinating environment, and ended up learning
two languages at once: Hindi and Marathi. Then, a third one was
thrown into the mix: English. Apart from these three, I am
learning two more on Duolingo.