Until not long ago, I used to put in little to no effort into
studies. Yet, I always got good grades, no matter what. Now,
however, things have changed. I strive to get as far as I can
into my field, and am willing to invest whatever amount of
effort it takes to do so.
As a student, my life has been quite eventful. Before COVID hit,
I was known for my cunning "pranks" (the exact words in one of
my report cards). Even though I was strong academically, my
personality spoiled it all.
I am yet to understand what occurred during COVID, but something
changed me completely. During online classes (despite
programming and not paying attention), I used to get good grades
for my discipline.
When I entered tenth grade, I had changed to the point of
unrecognisability. I impressed myself by actually changing
others' ideas about me, hence disproving the saying that "the
first impression is the last impression".
I changed schools when I passed to eleventh grade, and the
"demonic" picture of myself was ripped to shreds. I got to start
anew, and I did so pretty well.
Currently, all my reports stand in praise of me, all my teachers
trust me and consider me to be "sincere" (I'm not sure I can
call myself that). I have always had that "quiet kid" kind of
personality at school ever since, and I would certainly like to
keep it up.
Well, if someone did manage to make a time machine one day, I'd
prefer it if they didn't not let COVID happen (don't get me
wrong, though, I've been infected once myself).